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Below is a compilation of resources that I have deemed helpful to visitors.


The Essence of Taijiquan by David Gaffney & Davidine Siaw-Voon Sim.

Turning Silk by Kinthissa

Chen’s Taiji for Health & Wellness by Grandmaster Chen Zheng Lei

Chen’s Taiji Old Frame One and Two by Grandmaster Chen Zheng Lei


CXX-Laojia-Xinjia – Write-up by David Gaffney about Chen Style Old Frame vs New Frame – Great article about Chen Style New Frame vs Old Frame. What I like best is Grandmaster Chen Xiao Xing’s comment about hard work, go to page 5 to read about how to approach the learning process.


There are many sites and I am only listing those where I know the teachers personally.

Chen Xiao Wang
Chen Xiao Xing
Chen Bing
Chen Ziqiang – Chen Jia Gou, Henan Province, China
Ren Guang Yi – New York
Chen Hui Xian’s Chenjiagou Taiji Academy – Chen Hui Xian, Kansas
Seattle School of Chen Style Taijiquan – Derryl Willis
Chenjiagou Taijiquan USA, Chicago – Andy Loria, Chicago. IL
Embrace the Moon – Kim Ivy, Seattle, WA