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Class Schedule

Tuesday morning classes at Village Cohousing Community (1104 Mound St, Madison, WI 53715), hosted by Barbara and Don MacCrimmon, led by Kathryn. $10 per class. Please contact Barbara at or 608.260.9363 so she can also keep you on her email list.

9:00 am- 10:00 amBasics (silk reeling exercises) + Form (Lao Jia Yi Lu)

Thursday morning classes at Fitchburg Senior Center (5510 Lacy Road, Fitchburg, WI 53711). Call 6082704290 to reserve your spot at the beginning of each month.

9:00 am- 10:30 amBasics (silk reeling exercises) + Form (Lao Jia Yi Lu)

Saturday morning classes at McKee Farm Park, meet near the main shelter. Weather permitting and begins in April, usually ends in early October.

9:00 am- 10:30 amPractice what you already know or learn something new. I will there to do corrections and teach.

Private lessons are still available. Contact me to make arrangements.