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Spring Workshop with Grandmaster Chen Xiao Xing

  陈小星 March 29th – 31st, 2013


Grandmaster Chen Xiao Xing will be returning to Chicago to teach his family’s art. This will be his 9th visit!! Grandmaster Chen will be teaching Silk Reeling Exercises and Xin Jia Yi Lu. Keeping with tradition, Grandmaster Chen will be teaching and correcting select Silk-Reeling Exercises during one section of the workshop.

Grandmaster Chen Xiao Xing is famous for his hands on instruction and traditional methods of teaching and training. He is a 19th generation lineage holder and master of 20th generation champions including Chen Bing, Chen Zi Qiang, Chen Zi Jun, Ren Guang Yi, Chen Peng Fei and many others. Master Chen is the brother of Master Chen Xiao Wang and executive president of the Chen Jia Gou Tai Ji Quan School in Henan, China.

Anyone with interest in Tai Ji Quan or Chinese Gong Fu in general are welcome.


Chan Si Gong (“Silk-Reeling Exercise”) – 3/29, 6pm-9pm
Xin Jia Yi Lu (“New Frame, First Routine”) – 3/30 – 3/31, 9am-5pm


University of Chicago
Ida Noyes Hall
1212 East 59th Street
Chicago, IL 60637


1/2 day – $75
one day – $125
two days – $200
2 1/2 days – $250
No checks accepted after March 15th
CASH ONLY at the door.

How to Register:

Send tuition, name, and email address to:
Andy Loria
5536 North Bernard Street
Chicago, IL 60625

For information: