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Fall Taijiquan Workshop in Chicago with Master Chen ZIqiang

Master Chen Ziqiang returns to Chicago to teach and correct Chan Si Gong (Silk-Reeling Exercise) and the primary training form, Laojia Yilu.  Master Chen is well known for his hands-on teaching style, athleticism, and the perspective that he brings as a current Chinese national San Shou champion.   He is the eldest son of Grandmaster Chen Xiaoxing, nephew of Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang, and current head coach of the primary Taijiquan school in Chen Village, Henan, China.  

This workshop will be valuable to experienced practitioners as well as those at earlier stages of the journey.  The postural and movement corrections provided by Master Chen will greatly enhance the understanding and practice of any style of Chinese martial arts.  Chan Si Gong (“silk-reeling exercises”) are basic exercises designed to facilitate the development of fundamental Taiji principles.  Master Chen will teach and correct the Chan Si Gong set during the Friday evening class.  Laojia Yilu (“old frame, first form”) is traditionally the first form trained by students in Chenjiagou.  This form not only serves as the foundation for the entire Chen family Taiji curriculum, but is also the parent form of Yang and Wu family Taiji.  Laojia Yilu will be taught during classes on Saturday and Sunday.  

What:  Taijiquan workshop featuring master Chen Ziqiang
When:  October 17-19, 2014

  • Friday 6-9pm:  Chan Si Gong
  • Saturday/Sunday 9am-5pm:  Laojia Yilu

Where:  University of Chicago, Reynolds Club and Ida Noyes Hall (see website for location details)
tuition:  Register by October 3rd to avoid late registration fees

  • half day – $60
  • one day – $110
  • two days – $190
  • complete workshop – $240
  • Add $25 for registration after October 3.
  • Cash only at the door.

Send registration to: 

Andy Loria

5536 N. Bernard St.

Chicago, IL 60625

Andy Loria, Ph.D.
Chenjiagou Taijiquan USA, Chicago