Grandmaster Chen Xiao Xing will be returning to Chicago to teach and correct Chan Si Gong (Silk Reeling Exercises) and Xin Jia Er Lu. Xin Jia Er Lu translate as “New Frame Second Routine” and is also known as the Cannon Fist and Pao Cui. Taijiquan is founded, in part, on the theory of complementary opposites (yin-yang). While Yilu (“first routine”) has the characteristics of softness and within softness there is speed and strength, Er Lu trains the yang elements (e.g. fast, hard, and explosive qualities) and within the Yang elements, there is Yin (softness). This workshop will be valuable to experienced practitioners as well as those learning Xin Jia Er Lu for the first time. Grandmaster Chen will be teaching the form from beginning and offering the extensive hands-on corrections that he is famous for. For those who feel that the form may not be appropriate at the moment, the Friday evening Silk-reeling exercise instruction and correction will be of great value. The postural and movement type corrections provided by Grandmaster Chen will greatly enhance the understanding and practice for enthusiasts of any style of Taijiquan.
The workshop will take place on March 28-30, 2014 in the beautiful Ida Noyes Hall 3rd floor theater of the University of Chicago.
What: Taijiquan workshop featuring Grandmaster Chen Xiaoxing
When: March 28-30, 2014
• Friday 6 pm – 9 pm: Chan Si Gong (Silk Reeling Exercises)
• Saturday/Sunday 9 am – 5 pm: Xin Jia Er Lu (New Frame Second Routine) video
Where: University of Chicago, Ida Noyes Hall, 3rd floor theater
Tuition: Register by March 15 to avoid late registration fees
• half day – $70
• one day – $125
• two days – $200
• complete workshop – $250
• Add $25 for registration after March 15.
• Cash only at the door.
Send registration to: Andy Loria, 5536 N. Bernard St., Chicago, IL 60625
Andy Loria, Ph.D.
Chenjiagou Taijiquan USA, Chicago