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Master Chen Huixian in Madison this July

Silk Reeling (Chan Si Jin) Workshop

Friday July 19th: 5:30pm – 8:30pm

In this workshop, Chen Huixian will be reviewing Chen Taijiquan Fundamentals, with a focus on the Chen family method of Silk Reeling exercises and Zhan Zhuang standing meditation and strength training.

In Taiji, Silk Reeling is a series of easily learned, repetitive movements that integrate all three planes of motion into smooth, continuous, and controlled weight shifts, core rotations, and spiral movements through the legs, torso, arms, and hands. These exercises help you maximize your body’s efficiency of motion by promoting correct body alignment and energy flow.

This workshop will also cover how to maintain the proper body requirements of Chen Taijiquan allowing you to more effectively train your body and develop a higher level of skill not just in Taijiquan, but in other sports and activities as well.

*This workshop is ideal for any level of student, from beginner to advanced.


Old Frame First Routine (Lao Jia Yi Lu) Workshop 

Saturday July 20th – Sunday July 21st: 9:00am – 5:00pm

One of the first steps in Chen Taijiquan is learning the movements of the long form, Laojia Yilu (Old Frame, First Routine). The next step is to learn all the individual details of each and every posture and transition until all of the movements can be performed exactly correct. To accomplish this, you need direct, detailed corrections by an experienced and qualified teacher.

In this workshop, Chen Huixian will be helping students learn and correct their Laojia Yilu form, posture by posture, movement by movement.

This is the traditional method of training Taijiquan in Chenjiagou (the Chen Village). It is a very slow and methodical, yet intense process that helps students to refine the individual details of each posture.

Learning these deeper details of body structure in this fundamental Taijiquan form is a key step in attaining a higher level of Taiji skill.

*There will be a 2-hour lunch break from 12:00pm – 2:00pm


Agora Pavilion Map
5511 East Cheryl Parkway
Fitchburg, WI 53711

For more info, please contact:

Patrick Rogne


Khiang Seow

Class Fees:

Just Friday (3 hours):

$60.00 pre-registration / * $75.00 after July 1st

Just Saturday or Sunday (1 day):

$100.00 pre-registration / * $125.00 after July 1st

Just Saturday and Sunday (2 days):

$180.00 pre-registration / * $200.00 after July 1st

Weekend Pass – All 3 Days:

$220.00 pre-registration / * $250.00 after July 1st

Register before July 1st, 2013 to receive the discounted price.

Download Flyer for Taiji Workshop Jul 2013

Download PDF Document