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Posted by on March 20, 2020

So I have been asked if I would conduct online taijiquan classes and my feeling is that there are plenty of videos online already and while some are accurate and some are not, they all serve their purpose in getting you to move (if you are sitting and reading this, get into standing posture) … coordinated or not.

So … instead of sharing more videos, I decided this a a good time for Q&A. Shoot me questions on your taijiquan practice and I will answer them. Email me your questions.

While I can’t make corrections physically, I hope my verbal cues can guide you through. Another avenue I am pursuing is corrections through videos. You take a video of your practice, I use a coaching app to mark up where I think you can make corrections. You get the idea.

Until we meet again, keep practicing. This is a good time to practice calming the mind, you can’t go anywhere anyway. 🙂

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